Golf Gym' The Leader in Golf Fitness
Strength and fitness are a vital part of any golfers game. Maintaining good overall strength and training the 'golf muscles' is now made easier with the Golf Gym range of products and DVD's. It's everything you need for a complete golf gym for home, office or travel.
Power Swing Trainer
Power Swing Trainers from Golf Gym were developed nearly 20 years ago by a team of golf professionals and sports physiologists who wanted to invent a compact but powerful golf specific training device. They called it 'Golf Gym' because that's how you could use it, it did all the things one could do in a gym and it was specifically designed to strengthen and improve a player's golf game.
The Power Swing Trainer will help develope proper swing habits and muscle memory, improve club control and shot accuracy, help build strength to add distance to your shots and develope better balance and posture.
Designed for the golfer looking for the finest in golf specific training and conditioning for use in and off season. Offering 37 different exercises and warm up options.
Shoulder, Back and Core Muscles - Choose from 25 exercises designed to strengthen the muscles used in golf, including the rotator cuff region of the shoulder, hips, back and stomach muscles. A programme of just 10 minutes a day, three times a week is all most golfers need to remain golf ready.
Grip, Hands and Arms - Grip specific exercises help to improve your golf grip, and strengthen your hands, wrists and forearms by utilising Golf Gym PorPerfect Training Grips.
Easy to use - The Golf Gym Power Swing Trainer anchors with either foot for seven exercises or incorporates a closed door for an additional 15 exercises. Either way, using the Power Swing Trainer is simple. No complicated instructions, weights, settings or set-up required.
Available in both left & right hand and 3 different strength ratings.
The 'Personal Edition' consists of a ProPerfect Training Grip with Power Cord, a training DVD, instruction booklet, quick reference guide and carry bag.